Purchasing Department


Purchase Clerk (Kristen Harrison) direct telephone line: 601-735-3662
Receiving Clerk (Melissa Davis) direct telephone line: 601-735-3414
Inventory Clerk (Angela Atchison) direct telephone line: 601-735-2192

Purchasing entails the procurement of equipment, heavy equipment, machinery, supplies, commodities, materials and services required for the operation of the various Wayne County offices and departments. Procurement of goods and services constitutes a significant portion of the county’s annual budget.

Establishment of a Central Purchasing System

Wayne County is required by law (Code, § 31-7-101) to establish and operate a central purchasing system, which is administered by the purchasing department and headed by the county’s purchasing clerk. In “beat” system counties like Wayne, the board of supervisors appoints the purchase clerk. The central purchasing system complies with all requirements prescribed by the Office of the State Auditor.

The primary objectives of the purchasing department are to:

(1) Procure the necessary materials, supplies, services, etc. for the county government.

(2) Procure these items at the lowest possible cost and in a timely fashion

(3) Direct deliveries to their appropriate destinations.

The goal of the purchasing department is to have on hand necessary items or have available necessary services to insure uninterrupted operations at the lowest expense. In summary, the task is to obtain what is wanted at the least cost, when it is wanted and where it is wanted.

Purchase Clerk – Code, § 31-7-103

The purchasing department, headed by the purchase clerk, has the sole responsibility of purchasing all equipment, heavy equipment, machinery, supplies, commodities, materials and services used by any county office or county department except those offices or departments in which expenditure. The purchase clerk shall disapprove any purchase requisitions which, in his or her opinion, are not in compliance with the purchasing laws of the state.

Receiving Clerk – Code, § 31-7-109

In addition to appointing a purchase clerk, all counties must appoint a receiving clerk. The receiving clerk shall be solely responsible for accepting the delivery of all equipment, heavy equipment, machinery, supplies, commodities, materials, and services purchased by the county. The receiving clerk, upon proper delivery, shall acknowledge receipt of goods and services in compliance with the system prescribed by the Office of the State Auditor. The receiving clerk is responsible for maintenance of the prescribed system.

Inventory Control Clerk – Code, § 31-7-107

In addition to the required central purchasing system, every county must maintain an inventory control system in accordance with requirements prescribed by the Office of the State Auditor. Every county must employ an inventory control clerk in the same manner used to employ or designate the purchase clerk. The inventory control clerk is responsible for the maintenance of the inventory control system. The inventory control clerk cannot be a member of the board of supervisors.

The inventory control clerk must perform physical inventories of assets of the county on or before October 1 of each year and must file a written report of such inventory with the board of supervisors. The inventory control clerk must also submit a list of additions to and deletions from the annual inventory report and a list of items unaccounted for from the previous annual inventory report.